Discover the World of Ashley Gabriel
In this captivating continuation of Pride and Prejudice, we follow the often-overlooked middle Bennet sister, Mary Bennet, as she embarks on an unexpected adventure of self-discovery. Left behind at an inn by her vindictive sister Lydia, Mary finds herself stranded and utterly alone—until a chance encounter with the charming Lady Hardwick changes her life forever.
Thrown into a world far beyond her quiet, bookish existence, Mary’s journey leads her to discover hidden strengths she never knew she had. As her adventure takes her to London, friendships deepen, admiration changes into a slow-burning romance, old rivals emerge, and sisters become united against a common enemy. Lydia, always a source of chaos and a persistent unwanted suitor, threatens to upend Mary’s newfound happiness. Will she be able to wade through the chaos and find love in the process, or will her season end in scandal?
With beloved characters Elizabeth, Jane, and Mr. Darcy making appearances, To Have Such a Sister is a heartwarming tale of love, personal growth, and the courage to embrace one's true self. Readers will cheer as Mary steps out of the shadows and claims her place in the spotlight—proving that even the quietest Bennet sister can have her own grand love story.
Reader Feedback
Discover what readers say about Ashley Gabriel's captivating book.
Ashley’s writing brings the characters to life in a fresh, engaging way.
Emily Thompson
New York
A delightful twist on beloved characters! I couldn't put it down. Highly recommend!
Gavin Rivers
Los Angeles